In this fun memory game, participants must put themselves into the shoes of the CEO and suggest changes to the organization in a hypostatical, and anything-goes-scenario.
This experiential learning and team building game is played in the same method as the famous children's game "I packed my bag an in it I put…" Participants must come up with a short statement of what they would change in their organization, and the next person must repeat the phrase of the first person and add on their own.
Because participants are in a safe environment, they are free to speak without fear of retribution or ridicule.
At the end of the activity, there will be 20 or 30 suggestions of things to change (as many as there are participants).
The management, if well prepared, should take note of the best suggestions and carry those forward to the list of changes that need to be discussed in their next leadership and change meetings.
Activity duration
In a team building and bonding workshop, or in the team cohesiveness workshop, the activity takes about 30 minutes for a group sized 15 to 20 participants. In a workshop focusing on organizational change, the most important suggestions should be written on the flip chart and discussed after the activity thus extending the activity duration to 90 minutes or two hours.
Group size
Ideal for groups of 10 to 25 participants.
Target participants
This activity is best for groups engaging in organizational change efforts. Target audience may also be team building groups and experiential learning groups, and delegates from any rank or position.
This activity is an integral component of the Team Cohesiveness Workshop which is available in many destinations in South-East Asia.